Many Vincent had the same destiny: a first life as road bike, then stripped off to became a racing bike, racing side-car, grass-track… and finally they are likely stored in wood box for a while until the bits and parts are recycled to the market.  Here is the story of Jack Wilson’s Racer, built about 1960, which was commissioned by “Mr Jordan” to transform his Shadow into a Bonneville Racer. The delivery never took place and eventually Bob Welborn, became owner of this very fast Vincent.

After a chase of several years, Bev Bowen has been able to identify most of the bike history except the first 10 years. For sure the bike sat at least 42 years as basket case, as on the included picture, before Bev was able to acquire the “case”.  Then it took 6 years to finish it. Thanks to the VOC, Bev learned that he had the RFM of another Texan’s engine mate and he had his one. Through careful communication, Bev said he was able to swap the RFM. Bev also says this is not a restoration of what Jack built, it is rather a sort of  reincarnation, keeping with the spirit of that bike. “I am no Jack Wilson, but I like to think he would approve of this bike” says Bev Bowen.

Philippe Guyony © 2013

To read the full story from Bev Bowen

The Black Shadow transformed in a Salt Lake Racer. The delivery never took place and eventually Bob Welborn, became owner of this very fast Vincent.
The Black Shadow transformed in a Salt Lake Racer. The delivery never took place and eventually Bob Welborn, became owner of this very fast Vincent.
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